Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just a little something special to get me through the day...Could a person write a song about Obama that's better than this? Jimmy Carter says, no.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So I am {finally} working on my website again and going through my work to-date and came across a couple of Christmas-themed projects that have never seen the light of day. I am fond of both of them. So I thought I'd post them here. The first is a Christmas card I designed last year, but didn't get them done in time to have them letterpressed. Have I mentioned I like type? Because I really like type, especially when it's punny.

I was also working on a design for a Christmas CD a few months back, but things fell apart, and the client was interested in going in a different direction. Humbug! Oh well, Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

As 2008 comes to a close people all over the tubes are publishing best of lists. One of my personal favorites is Pitchfork's best of the Worst Album Covers of 2008 which includes this gem from Brad Paisley. Really, Brad, you thought this looked good? It must have been a pretty good year for album art. There are some on this year's list that aren't so terrible. The Deathcab cover could have been worser...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There's a great design challenge this week over at Typophile. I am posting my submission because I like to not post anything for a really long time and then post a lot in two days (Have you noticed?). My design is a bit morbid, but that was the luck of the draw. The rules of the challenge are:

1. Create a book cover, using a fictitious title and an image from the LIFE photo archive.

2. To get your title, click on the Wikipedia Random Articles page and whatever topic you get is the title.

3. Head over to the LIFE photo archive and enter the title (or part of the title) as your search term. Use any image from the search result for your book.

Hopefully, I can stay on top of Type Battles and post one each week at least while I'm on break.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

So I turned treinta on Monday. To ring in a new decade, I celebrated with an unstoppable cake. Despite our best efforts, me and 30 friends were unable to devour it in one sitting. We did manage to make a mess though. Yes, that is cake on the wall.

School is nearly done, and I am really excited to start working on some side projects over the break... In preparation I was looking for a little inspiration and stumbled upon the photographs of Thomas Allen. He creates 3-D dioramas from pulp paperbacks. They're amazing.