Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm taking an ActionScript class this semester, and I'm surprised by how much I'm learning and (shock!) enjoying it. For our final project, we are going to be developing a Flash game, but in the meantime we've been working on these cat video games:



OK, so they aren't really cat video games, but Pumpkin Escobar seems to like them...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's time for my semi-annual blog posting! In my last post, I mentioned this poster series for my Advanced Graphic Design class. The assignment was to design posters for three films by one director. The director I chose was Billy Wilder, and I focused on three of his films noir, Double Indemnity, The Lost Weekend, and Sunset Boulevard. I also designed the condensed modern typeface I used for the film titles (I call it Bill Noir), and I am pretty pleased with the final product (definitely click on the image for more detail).

Anyway, no promises, but if this snow keeps up, I might post again before July.