Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting some photos from my trip to the Asian market. I went to research some uncommon produce as part of an assignment for my class this semester. I am taking Words & Images, in which we'll be exploring the interrelationship of writing and graphics (as you may have guessed from the title). Our first assignment involves writing copy and designing a sign to advertise an exotic fruit, and I thought a trip to Hanahreum would be pretty inspirational. [From top left: baha, Seekel pear, mango, Indian bitter melon, Korean crunchy pear, mandarin orange, fuyu, and pommelo.]


jason j said...

They look so good.. I love the exotic look of fruits and veggies at Asian food markets..

I like when you go to Chinatown in Philly and you see a vegetable at one of the markets, and you say, what the heck is that, and then you look at the name, and you're like what the heck is that.. its all mysterious and awesome.

Anonymous said...

i second jason. it looks delicious. i always thought pommelos (sp) were cool. Half the fun of an exotic fruit is the exotic name that you can't pronounce and you can't spell. Although i wonder, if we set up camp in the middle of the other side of the world with Granny-Smith Apples, Clementines, and Blueberries, would they think we were the odd, exotic ones?