Saturday, April 19, 2008

Here's is my Show & Tell for today's class (mostly just tell...), "So a Squirrel and a Chipmunk Walk into a Bar" by David Sedaris. It's only about 8 minutes long.


The Stace said...

This was great. Funny. Touching.

Do you get a mental image of chubby chipmunk legs kicking around in can-can fashion?

Kristin M Royer said...

Every time I listen to it actually. It's such a great detail...

The Stace said...

I came back to this to send the link to a friend and ended up listening to it again. It really is a great story.

I'm stuck on this conversation between the mom, sister, and main chipmunk that happens after she is "safely married." Here she is off and married to a respectable chipmunk and the mother is still bringing up the squirrel chapter. So true to life.